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Our Popular Campaigns

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Support Patricia Take in More Infants!

Patricia is a 70-year-old elderly lady well known in her village of Asembo and other neighbouring villages in Siaya county for her dedication, selflessness and childcare skills of as young days old infants whose mothers die during or immediately after birth.

The challenge of teen pregnancy in Siaya County has left a trail of burden to household and in cases the young mothers do not make it out of the maternity bed leaving infants without. Though Patricia was not lucky to have children of her own, as she is barren, her love and care for infants and young children has not only earned her a place in these infants and children’s hearts but has also come as a reprieve to many households within her village from other villages as far as 70 kilometres, who have lost mothers of young infants and as not able to take care of them and instead leave them with her with totally no support. With the very minimal resources at her disposal, Patricia offers the infants motherly love, breast feeding them and caring for them as her own. Over the years, she has taken care of more than 20 infants and currently having 3 children of less than 3 years old she is taking care of. Patricia requires in-kind support in clothes, bedding, toys, sanitary items, decent play area and a source of income to feed the infants. WENDO is launching a campaign for both in kind contributions (clothes, toys, sanitary items) and financial support to Patricia to take care of the children she currently has and take in more infants. Your support to this campaign will; Give a decent future to the infants and children taken in by Patricia Allow Patricia to fulfil her dream of taking in and taking care of more children Contribute to the survival of infants whose mother die at of immediately after birth.

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Loturerei Water Piping Project

Disadvantaged girls from Turkana county, an arid region in Kenya, have seldom access to education. Culture there dictates that women and girls should cook, clean, take care of the children and the sick and finally bear children. And collect water.

Loturerei Junior Secondary School, a mixed day and boarding school, provides the rare opportunity for girls to access education. But the school is located 1km from the nearest water source, and it's girls' chore to fetch water, interrupting their class. Meanwhile, it remains business as usual for their male peers whose learning continues uninterrupted. Therefore, we are launching a campaign to pipe water to Loturerei School. This project will cost £2,000 and will make a profound difference in the lives of the students. By bringing water directly to the school, we will:
Ensure Continuous Learning: Girls will no longer need to leave their classes to fetch water, allowing them to focus on their education and keep pace with their male counterparts.
Improve Health and Sanitation: Access to clean water will enhance the school’s sanitation facilities and provide safe drinking water, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.
Relieve Physical Strain: Girls will not have to endure the physical burden of carrying heavy water containers in harsh conditions.
Ensure food is prepared in a timely and hygienic manner.
Alongside the pipeline, we aim to install an extra water storage tank to ensure that there’s consistent water supply. This will further support the school’s meal program, which many students rely on, and it will also go a long way in improving the overall school hygiene.

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Fish Cage for Women Project

Jaboya system, or Sex for Fish, is a common phenomenon around Lake Victoria, in Kenya.

Fishermen force women to engage in transactional sex in order to obtain fish to feed the family or to sell. And that contribute to the rise of HIV (Kenya has the 5th highest number of HIV positive people in the world). Giving the women, very often widowed and with many children, a fish cage with a capacity of 15,000 fingerlings, we can contribute to stop this hideous practice and help women to support their families. We need £2700 to do this.