+44 (0)1293973992

Empowering Women for a Better Tomorrow

We aim to empower women economically by creating income opportunities and bridging the skills gap that limits their potential. By providing women with the necessary skills for meaningful employment, we enable them to achieve economic independence, positively impacting their families and communities. Our mission includes supporting women in overcoming barriers to economic empowerment, ensuring they can earn an income and uplift their society.

Our Belief

In addition, we focus on improving health access for pregnant and lactating mothers, children, and other vulnerable groups by collaborating with the government to bring health centers closer to communities. Addressing the challenge of securing clean water, we aim to alleviate the burden on women who traditionally shoulder this responsibility, enhancing their safety and well-being. Ensuring girls have access to quality education is another crucial aspect of our work. We address barriers such as female genital mutilation (FGM), absenteeism due to menstruation, early marriages and pregnancies, and societal norms that favor boys' education, striving to provide equal educational opportunities for all girls.

Our Expertise

Our vision is to create an inclusive society that provides equal opportunities for women, where they are empowered to thrive in all areas of life. We envision a future where women’s networks are life-changing, connecting them to resources, mentorship, and collaboration.

Our Aproach

WENDO approaches its charity support to women and girls in need from an empowerment model. We consider an all-round approach to empowerment including skills development, provision of start-up resources, mentorship as well us conducive environment for women and girls to thrive.

We believe that linking and networking of women and girls create a stronger support system in which they can share skills and resources. Networking forms a key component to our empowerment approach and sustainability.

We Focus On The Following Areas