+44 (0)1293973992

Are You Ready to Become a Volunteer with WENDO?

By volunteering with WENDO, you can contribute your time, skills and knowledge to create a lasting impact on the lives of women and girls be part of empowerment to women. Transform lives of women ang girls today!

Volunteer Overseas with WENDO

In collaboration with our partners in Kenya, we offer exceptional and exciting overseas volunteering experience. Take the first step to volunteer abroad with WENDO by reviewing the available overseas volunteering opportunities and contacting us on your suitability and the requirements for the same.

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You will contribute to the improvement of the lives of women and girls and the transformation of communities through the contribution of skills and time. You will gain international charity experience while shaping and sharpening your communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills for future international opportunities. You will learn about different cultures in Kenya, gaining firsthand experience of local practices, traditions, and languages. You will have an opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking landscape, wildlife, and rich Kenyan culture, creating lasting memories.
Minimum age to serve as an international volunteer: at least 18 years of age. Professional or academic qualification or hands-on experience in skills relevant to the different charity projects supported by WENDO and the partners. Ability to adjust to local and sometimes challenging living conditions. Commitment to WENDO and partners' Code of Conduct, the principle of volunteering, and a drive for service with local partners to communities.
Exciting volunteering opportunities that provide you with challenging yet fulfilling opportunities to put your skills to the test. Subsidized accommodation and local transportation arrangement through our local partners. Invitation letter and all relevant documentation required for travel (through our local partners). Team building and recreational activities that may include cultural excursions, sightseeing tours, and safaris (some may attract minimal cost). Briefs and information, including orientation and welcome package for awareness purposes.
Your travel expenses, including air ticket, visa costs, and vaccinations; food expenses that may include groceries, eating out, or contribution to communal cooking arrangements; health and travel insurance to cover you during the period of stay in Kenya; optional in-kind donations to support the local initiatives.

Overseas Volunteering Opportunities

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Livelihoods Trainers

This program targets individuals with skills in livelihoods activities that is able to benefit women and girls. The skills include business planning, financial literacy, baking, sewing, beauty therapy, building and construction, electrical engineering, plumbing, welding, carpentry or any other skills, tree planting, horticulture and animal husbandry among others that is helpful to women to earn a living. The program involves training of different women groups on the different livelihoods skills as identified and prioritised by the groups with components on business plans development and financial literacy. The volunteers participate in skills sharing with the different groups through doing to learn approach so that the groups can learn from the volunteers. The volunteers together with the different groups, identifies different community projects from which the learnings are undertaken.

Health Care Service Providers

This volunteer program targets professional health care service providers, enrolled medical students as well as those we are interested in the health care sector. Professional health care service providers alongside health care workers in public hospitals in Kenya, provides health care services in the public health facilities within the target area. They also participate in medical outreaches organised during the visit. The non-qualified volunteers interested in health care work participates in public health and awareness activities routinely organised in schools and within the communities.

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Woman with child

Languages Teachers

This program support high schools with students undertaking other languages alongside English (French and Spanish Languages) as examinable units in the national examinations. The volunteer works hand in hand with the languages teacher to provide the lessons to the students. The volunteers will also offer oral and written language exercise to the students to improve their language mastery. Where possible, the teacher and the volunteers organises intra and inter schools debating contest in French and Spanish language for the students undertaking the languages as part of the exercises.

STEM Coaches

This program focused on training female teachers and students on basic information technology and computing skills. The program is open for volunteers with science, technology, mathematics and engineering skills. The volunteer participates in training on schoolteachers (both primary and high school) on basic computing skills and also supporting the teacher on how they can create online content for their learners. The volunteers also participates in awareness and basics skills training sessions for the STEM clubs in schools on how to use ICT to promote education and learning.

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Let’s make a difference in the lives of others